Martingale Research FAQ
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What kind of company are you?
- Applied research and development
- Application solutions
- Data exploitation and modeling
- Custom software
- Consulting
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What do you do?
Applications development for a broad range of clients that incorporates advanced technologies, including (but not limited to):
Neural Networks | Data Exploratory Analysis (Data Mining) |
Signal Processing | Consulting Services |
Image Processing | Systems Engineering |
Pattern Recognition | Computer Systems Analysis |
Statistical Modeling | Proposal Engineering |
Custom Mathematical Algorithms | Risk Analysis / Risk Management |
Genetic Algorithms | Cost Engineering |
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What kind of applications have you done?
- Database Mining / Exploitation
- NIAAA Phase I and Phase II SBIR
- Metal Fatigue Detection
- National Science Foundation Phase I and Phase II SBIR
- Speech Recognition
- U.S. Army ARDEC Phase I and Phase II SBIR
- Adaptive Control Systems
- NASA Phase I, Phase II SBIR, U.S. Army ARDEC Phase I, Phase II SBIR
- Automatic Target Tracking
- U.S. Navy NSWC Phase I, Phase II SBIR
- Signal Identification
- Industry Client
- Video Databases
- Commercial Client
- Online Help System
- Commercial Client
- Distributed System Performance Model
- Commercial Client
- Proposal Support
- Various Commercial Clients
- Neural Networks Research
- U.S. Air Force, DARPA, NSF, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy
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Do you have any core technologies?
- Parametric Avalanche Stochastic Filter Neural Network
- Implementation of Quantum Neurodynamics - dynamical systems modeling
- Applies methods of quantum mechanics to nonlinear dynamical systems
- Designed to handle temporal data processing
- Constrained Categorical Regression Modeling System
- Neural network-based data modeling system
- Analyzes input-output relationships within datasets
- Used for database mining, statistical analysis
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What can you do for me?
- Custom solutions involving engineering, analysis, software or all three
- Consulting for a wide range of problems
- Technical services - including data analysis, proposal support, project engineering, computer systems support
- Custom software solutions
- End-user applications development